Japanese knives : Murata Funayuki Japanese knife

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Murata Funayuki Japanese knife


First price Murata Funayuki Japanese knife

 made in Japan made in Japan en stock !
Murata: 165 mm FUNAYUKI japanese knife (chef) - aogami carbon steel 63 Rockwell - oval magnolia handle and black synthetic bolster
69 EUR  
blade length 165mm thickness 3mm - handle 13cm
Infos currencies : +/- 453FRF, 2783BEF, 104USD

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Murata: 165 mm FUNAYUKI japanese knife (chef) - aogami carbon steel 63 Rockwell - oval magnolia handle and black synthetic bolster
This Funayuki (chef) kitchen knife is a japanese knife with carbon steel blade aogami 1, oval handle magnoliawood and black syntetic bolster. Wipe immediately after use, cannot be passed to water or the dishwasher.
The Gyuto-CHEF´s knives:
¤ Attention:
NEVER use a Chef knife for chopping bones and fish bones !
Only the DEBA knife is suitable for this work.
» All the GYUTO-CHEF´s knives

 [81]  Japanese knives
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Murata Petty japanese knife
Murata: 120 mm SABAKI japanese knife (petty) - aogami carbon steel 63 Rockwell - oval magnolia handle and black
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Yu Kurosaki: GYUTO 21cm japanese knife MEGUMI series - DAMAS VG10 stainless steel 61 Rockwell - octogonal cherry handle
» Yu Kurosaki: SUZIHIKI 27cm slicing japanese knife MEGUMI series - DAMAS VG10 stainless steel 61 Rockwell - octogonal cherry handle and black pakka wood bolster
» Takeshi Saji: PETTY 9cm japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - oval ironwood handle with decorative rivets and polished stainless bolster
» Takeshi Saji: GYUTO 18cm chef japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - oval ironwood handle with decorative rivets and polished stainless bolster
» Takeshi Saji: SUZIHIKI 24cm slicing japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - oval ironwood handle with decorative rivets and polished stainless bolster
» Takeshi Saji: PETTY 13cm japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - hexagonal Rosewood handle with black pakka wood bolster
» Takeshi Saji: SANTOKU 165mm japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - hexagonal Rosewood handle with black pakka wood bolster
» Takeshi Saji: GYUTO 18cm japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - hexagonal Rosewood handle with black pakka wood bolster
» Takeshi Saji: SUZIHIKI 27cm slicing japanese knife - R2(SG2) 63 Rockwell DAMAS steel - hexagonal Rosewood handle with black pakka wood bolster
» Takeshi Saji: GYUTO 21cm Rainbow japanese knife - Aokami2 61-62 Rockwell layered with copper and brass stainless damascus steel - oval Deer Horn handle with stainless steel bolster
» Teruyasu Fujiwara: 120 mm PETTY japanese knife DENKA - carbon steel Aogami Super 64-65 Rockwell and 2 layers stainless - black pakka wood handle
» Teruyasu Fujiwara: 165 mm SANTOKU japanese knife DENKA - carbon steel Aogami Super 64-65 Rockwell and 2 layers stainless - black pakka wood handle
» overall view

French cutlery:





» Japanese knives